Baggage and hand luggage
Baggage rules and regulations
- How do I travel with my sports equipment?
- What happens when my baggage is non-standard baggage?
- How much does an extra baggage cost on a flight?
- I'm on a connecting flight. Do I have to recheck luggage on connecting flights?
- Where do I get my baggage after landing?
- What is the best way to pack bags?
Hand luggage
- What is hand luggage?
- How to carry canned food in hand baggage or baggage on an airplane?
- Can I carry pepper spray on an airplane?
- How can I carry cheese on an airplane: in hand luggage or in my baggage? How much cheese can I take with me?
- How do I carry lenses on an airplane: in hand luggage or in my baggage?
- Can I bring knitting or embroidery needles on an airplane?